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6. Good and Evil as Two Competing Forces, Descents into the Lower Worlds

Jiří Novák Published 5.2.2010
Jiří Novák

Good and Evil are two objectively existing mutually exclusive opposites backed by different types of energy carriers - dextrorotary and levorotary bioenergies. Opposites that compete with each other for influence on the world and living beings in it. Evil does not come from our world, but in reality was descending from above downwards. We, people, have not created Evil by our activities here in the matter, we have just created by our unethical behaviour favourable conditions for Evil to penetrate by resonance from above down to the next lower level. To our material world descended namely beings who had already once or repeatedly failed in the struggle with Evil in their environment. And imprints of their failure, imprints of defeat in the battle against Darkness, they brought in the form of karmic layers inside themselves. Only we can help ourselves today. But we need to get on the path of spiritual ascension.

© Jiří Novák, February 2010